
Creating digital media and assets has never been easier, but managing them effectively can feel overwhelming. In today’s digital-first landscape, Digital Asset Managers (DAMs) play a pivotal role in ensuring the organization and accessibility of these assets. However, their role often remains confined to the DAM platform itself. Aligning file management upstream of your DAM platform can revolutionize your DAM practices and streamline workflows across your organization.

We have already argued for the role of the DAM team to extend into organizational file management in a previous article, so in this article we want to focus on getting file management and DAM aligned. 

Digital asset management and file management: A synergistic approach

In speaking to DAM managers and Creative Operations directors off the back of Henry Stewart DAM LA and Creative Operations London, it seems that many of them are having issues upstream of the DAM with teams using an ad hoc combination of platforms like Dropbox, Box, and G Drive. This was especially the case as it related to managing files with external partners/ agencies and work-in-progress files internally with their teams.

With Stockpress, we are determined to bridge this gap and help give DAM and Creative Operations teams greater end-to-end ownership of an organization’s digital assets. Greater transparency, increased collaboration, and less guesswork make for a highly efficient team. Let’s delve into how Digital Asset Managers can leverage Stockpress to create best practices in file management that seamlessly complement their DAM platform.

Establishing best practices in file management and digital asset management

  • Creating impact to encourage adoption: Demonstrating the value of any new tool is key to its successful adoption. Showcase how Stockpress enhances searchability, speeds up workflows, and facilitates collaboration to encourage widespread adoption among team members.
  • Getting set up for future events, projects, or campaigns: Anticipate future needs by organizing assets preemptively. Utilize Stockpress to create dedicated folders or collections for upcoming events, projects, or campaigns, ensuring easy access and seamless collaboration when the time comes.
  • Organization of Collections: Group related assets into collections within Stockpress, making it easier for users to find and utilize relevant content. Whether it’s by project, campaign, or theme, organized collections streamline workflows and improve efficiency.
  • Routine deduplication of assets: Duplicate files can clutter the DAM system and lead to confusion. Implement regular deduplication processes using Stockpress to eliminate redundant assets, ensuring a clean and organized asset library.
  • Organization of Custom Categories: Tailor categories and metadata fields in Stockpress to align with your organization’s specific needs. Customizing categories enhances searchability and ensures assets are classified accurately for easy retrieval.
  • Simple tagging conventions: Implement intuitive tagging conventions within Stockpress to categorize assets effectively. Encourage consistent tagging practices among users to streamline searches and improve asset discoverability.
  • Creation of Teams and user roles: Define user roles and permissions within Stockpress to control access and ensure data security. Assign roles based on responsibilities and grant appropriate permissions to streamline collaboration while maintaining control over sensitive assets.
  • Retrospectively making old files available: Leverage Stockpress to organize and tag existing assets in the DAM system retrospectively. By systematically categorizing and tagging older files, you can make historical assets easily accessible for future projects or campaigns.

Maximizing efficiency by placing Stockpress upstream

Integrating Stockpress with your DAM platform empowers Digital Asset Managers to optimize file management practices and streamline workflows. By harnessing the capabilities of Stockpress alongside your DAM system, you can achieve greater efficiency and productivity in managing digital assets.

Here’s how:

  • Seamless integration: Stockpress seamlessly integrates with leading DAM platforms, allowing for smooth data exchange and collaboration across systems. Digital Asset Managers can leverage this integration to centralize asset management and streamline workflows.
  • Enhanced searchability: By combining the power of Stockpress’s advanced search capabilities with your DAM platform’s metadata, users can quickly locate assets based on keywords, tags, or custom attributes. This enhanced searchability accelerates asset retrieval and improves productivity.
  • Collaborative workflows: Stockpress facilitates collaborative workflows by enabling users to share, comment on, and collaborate on assets directly within the DAM platform. Whether it’s reviewing designs, approving content, or sharing feedback, Stockpress streamlines collaboration and enhances team efficiency.
  • Version control: With Stockpress, Digital Asset Managers can maintain version control and track revisions seamlessly within the DAM platform. This ensures that teams always work with the latest asset iterations, minimizing errors and streamlining the creative process.
  • Analytics and insights: Stockpress’ analytics features provide valuable insights into asset usage, performance, and engagement. Digital Asset Managers can track metrics such as downloads, views, and shares to optimize asset strategies and drive better outcomes.


Incorporating Stockpress into your overarching file management and digital asset management strategy empowers DAM teams to create efficient practices that seamlessly complement their DAM platform. By establishing best practices across file management and DAM, organizations can maximize efficiency, streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and unlock the full potential of their digital assets from creation to distribution.

Embracing Stockpress as part of your digital asset management toolkit is a simple, yet powerful way to revolutionize the way you manage digital assets and get your entire organization aligned.


What are the benefits of integrating file management with a DAM system?

Integrating file management with a DAM system streamlines workflows, enhances collaboration, and improves searchability. It centralizes asset management, ensuring easy access and better organization of digital assets.

How does Stockpress improve the file management process?

Stockpress enhances file management by providing advanced search capabilities, collaborative tools, version control, and analytics. It integrates seamlessly with DAM platforms, optimizing the overall asset management process.

What best practices should be followed for effective file management in a DAM system?

Effective file management practices include creating organized collections, implementing regular deduplication processes, customizing categories and metadata fields, and establishing intuitive tagging conventions. Utilizing tools like Stockpress can facilitate these practices.

Additional information

  • According to a Gartner study, organizations that implement integrated DAM and file management systems can improve their productivity by up to 40%.
  • Research by Forrester indicates that 70% of organizations with streamlined file management report better collaboration and reduced asset retrieval times.

Analogy for better understanding:

Imagine your digital assets as ingredients in a kitchen. Without proper organization, finding the right ingredients can be chaotic and time-consuming. Integrating file management with your DAM system is like organizing your kitchen cabinets and pantry, making every ingredient easy to find and use, thus streamlining your cooking (or asset management) process.