
Digital Asset Management for Sales and Marketing Teams

Streamline collaboration with your teams and ensure you're always on brand with the easiest to use file management software for sales and marketing teams.

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Digital Asset Management for Sales and Marketing Teams

Sales and marketing teams function best when they work together

Enable your teams to succeed with file management software that promotes cross-functional content collaboration. Plus, leverage all the best features of a digital asset management system at a fraction of the cost.

Keep your files front and center

Sales and marketing teams are most effective when they have centralized digital asset management software to easily find and utilize the campaign assets and collateral they need to run effective sales and marketing campaigns. Working cross-functionally in that DAM with colleagues, external partners, clients, agencies, and more only adds to the benefit.

Sales Teams

It is crucial to have a reliable place to store and access files with teams and partners, whether working remotely or in the office. For sales teams, admin tasks take time away from prospecting and closing deals. With Stockpress, eliminate the tedious work of searching for sales materials through folders and find them instead by searching with keywords and dynamic filters with the help of custom and AI tags and metadata. Stockpress helps your sales team organize, store, and find client-specific assets, product sheets, one-pagers, and infographics in one easy-to-use workspace.

Collaborate with sales and marketing teams

Marketing teams

Maintaining a consistent brand image is challenging for marketing teams when they can’t find their brand assets. Managing marketing materials can be complicated when working with distributed teams with files scattered across hard drives and hidden in Google Drive folders. With Stockpress, your marketing team has one central repository for all marketing assets. Content collaboration tools like file status indicators, file commenting, file versioning, and automatic identification of duplicate files can promote more efficient communication and collaboration.

Internal and external sharing for sales and marketing teams

Sales and marketing teams need a place to collaborate

Why isn’t your traditional file management software cutting it anymore?

Team users licenses are expensive

Team users licenses are expensive

Every Stockpress package comes with unlimited free users. Your team members and external users can access your workspace without paying expensive per-user license fees.

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Folder structures can be confusing and convoluted

Folder structures can be confusing and convoluted

Custom and AI tagging, visual search, dynamic filtering, and convenient thumbnail views help you find your digital files faster.

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Duplicate files create confusion and waste storage

Duplicate files create confusion and waste storage

Storing one file across multiple Stockpress Collections allows you to distribute a single file to many locations without duplication. Promote better version control with only one file to edit, keep track of, and share.

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Granting file and user access is time-consuming

Granting file and user access is time-consuming

Stockpress gives you unlimited user roles and customizable permissions. With a flexible user role or team assignment, you can control what your users can see and do in your workspace.

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Stockpress does it differently

A digital asset management solution for sales and marketing teams provides quick access to sales and marketing collateral at every stage of the buying cycle.

Unlimited users

All Stockpress packages come with unlimited users. This means you can invite all your team members and external users to use your cloud storage platform without having to pay more.

Custom roles

We give you unlimited user roles and customizable permissions so that you control what your users can see and do in your workspace.

File versioning

Keep in-progress digital files together in one central location with file versioning for better version control. Track the life cycle of that file and revert to previous versions as needed.

Unlimited teams

Create unlimited teams for file sharing and make files accessible to multiple users at once.

File tagging

Add custom tags manually or with our AI tagging tool, making it easier for your teams to access the files they are looking for with our visual search and dynamic file organization filters.

No file duplication

Keep file storage costs down and efficiency up by having one file in multiple places without ever being duplicated.

File commenting and annotation

Make sure your marketing team is getting the feedback they need on campaigns with file comments and annotations.

Image editing

Quickly crop and resize your image files to social media presets or custom-workspace dimensions.

Switching to Stockpress is easy

Switching to Stockpress from traditional enterprise file management software such as Dropbox, Box, and Google Drive? Connect, import, and organize individual files and folders, or your entire account – all into Stockpress in minutes.

Dropbox, Box, Google Drive integrationDropbox, Box, Google Drive integration

Get started for FREE with unlimited users and 5 GB of storage, and transform the way your team organizes, uses, shares and collaborates on files.

Learn more about Stockpress for Sales and Marketing teams

Get started with Stockpress for FREE!

Start spending less time looking for your files and more time using them.

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DAM stories: A day in the life of a sales and marketing team

  • Ugh, DAM! (Life BEFORE Stockpress)

    Only those working in sales or marketing can truly understand the daily challenge of managing diverse digital assets. The variety of file types can be daunting, from product photos and sales brochures to creative briefs and marketing collateral. Sales teams frequently rely on these marketing materials but either don’t use them due to difficulty finding them or waste valuable time searching for them when they could be engaging with clients.

    The task of managing and locating these diverse assets is difficult enough, especially when depending on multiple platforms like Dropbox, Box, and Google Drive or an inefficient DAM that not everyone is familiar with. To add to this challenge, the ongoing need for updated materials and the involvement of numerous internal and external teams complicate the situation even more. With the rising demand for marketing assets and more people requesting them, working without efficient Digital Asset Management software became impractical.

  • It’s about DAM time! (Finding Stockpress)

    We tried to find Digital Asset Management software that was user-friendly, quick to implement, and budget-conscious. These criteria were crucial because we didn’t want our team to be diverted by setting something up instead of using it.

    With the right Digital Asset Management software in place, we knew our sales and marketing teams (as well as the broader business) could find what they were looking for without asking, “which folder is that file in?”

    Stockpress provided us with an easily graspable feature set, yet it represented a significant upgrade from Dropbox, Box, and Google Drive. Additionally, it was economical compared to other Digital Asset Management options like Brandfolder, Bynder, and Canto. We managed to set up Stockpress for our team within days!

  • Hot DAM! (How Stockpress has helped)

    Using Stockpress, we have eliminated the chaos of scattered sales and marketing files and welcomed the simplicity and organization that Stockpress brings. Our teams can now organize, store, and retrieve all types of files, from images and videos to PDFs and presentations, within one intuitive Digital Asset Management software.

    By locating files more quickly (without needing to ask anyone where they are), we have saved substantial time, empowered our team members to be more self-reliant, and ensured they work with the most current materials. This has made it simple to make assets accessible to the wider organization.

    With Stockpress, our sales teams can promptly access and distribute documents to clients within the same platform where marketing manages them. Furthermore, sales teams can monitor client engagement metrics for assets, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of shared materials, whether they are PDFs, presentations, or pricing sheets.

    Stockpress has helped our team align quickly and unlock success from day one. With unlimited free users, the ability to add users to teams, and permission-based access to files, our team and extensive network of external partners can collaborate and share work securely.