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Browse all Stockpress features

Digital asset management features your team will love, built for the way they work!

Upload and tag

  • AI tagging:

    Automatically tag your images with 90% accuracy using our AI tagging tool

  • Custom tags:

    Add custom tags during upload to all file types

  • IPTC & EXIF mapping:

    Automatically import IPTC and EXIF metadata info from files into your workspace

  • Tag structures:

    Set a specific tagging structure per custom category to ensure the correct tags are added by uploaders

  • Set tagging limits:

    Limit new tag creation to ensure consistent tagging

  • Import files:

    Whether it’s a few files, a few folders, or your entire library, you can import it all to Stockpress in minutes from Dropbox, Box, and Google Drive

  • Track and report:

    Track uploads by user, team, date, search term, and more

  • Flexible custom metadata:

    Add unlimited custom categories for precise tagging

  • Filterable categories:

    Create filterable categories to suit your needs

  • Bulk tagging:

    Associate tags with multiple images at once with bulk and per-image tagging

  • Collaboration control:

    Quick and easy upload with collaboration control for teams and users

  • File visibility:

    Upload public or private files visible to your workspace teams and users

  • Distribute visibility:

    Add files to multiple Collections at one-time

Manage and Organize

  • Any file type, any size:

    Upload any file type at any size with no limitations

  • Identify duplicate files

    Automatically identify duplicate files and merge, delete or archive them

  • Thumbnail previews

    With a visual thumbnail generated for every file, you can find any file, at any time, visually

  • Drag and drop upload:

    Get your files into your workspace quickly and easily by dragging and dropping from your desktop or editing system

  • File selection:

    Drag to select files in your workspace for quick editing or building Collections

  • Easily move files:

    Drag and drop files from one Collection to another

  • No file duplication:

    Add files to multiple Collections at one time, without duplication

  • File versioning:

    Group revisions and iterations of files together so you always know which file is the right one

  • Cloud connections:

    Add links to any cloud-based project so you can organize all aspects of your projects in one place

  • Private Collections and files:

    Create private Collections of your most used files so you can access them quickly, without duplication

  • Public Collections and files:

    Set Collections and files to public for files that can be accessed by your entire workspace team

  • Collections in Collections:

    Create Collections in Collections for a visual folder structure

  • Collection builder:

    Build Collections and curate selects visually from files already in your workspace

  • Custom Collection thumbnails:

    Easily set Collection thumbnails for a customized visual appearance

  • Archive:

    Archive files and Collections that you don’t want to appear in search. Decide, by role, which users can access the archive

  • Multiple views:

    Quickly switch from masonry, grid, or list view in Collections to browse files in a way that works for you

  • Quick edit:

    Save time by editing files in the single-file view

  • File re-ordering:

    Drag and drop files within Collections to easily curate the order that is right for you

  • Multi-select:

    Select multiple files and Collections at once for bulk editing, sharing, visibility changes, and more

  • Custom pages:

    Create custom pages for brand guides, event recaps, projects, and more

Find and use

  • Visually search:

    Find your files quickly and easily by searching keywords, tags, descriptions, and other file metadata

  • Search results:

    View search results grouped by file or Collection

  • Dynamic filters:

    Filter files by tag and/or file metadata such as file orientation, file extension, file type, and more

  • File ownership:

    Filter files by owner and upload date

  • File status:

    View and filter files by assigned status, to create a customized workflow


  • Teams and users:

    Create teams of workspace users and invite them to collaborate on Collections and files

  • User access:

    Invite individual users to Collections and files and make sure they only see the files they need to see

  • Public or Private files:

    Control file visibility by setting files and Collections to Public, so everyone in your workspace can see them, or Private and only accessible to those you invite to collaborate

  • Public or Private Collections:

    Create Private and Public Collections to control the visibility of groups of files

  • File visibility:

    Make single files, multiple files, or Collections visible only to those who need them

  • File favoriting:

    Favorite workspace files for quick and easy access per user account

  • File commenting:

    Leave comments on files with workspace teams and users

  • Unlimited teams:

    Create unlimited teams of users to easily collaborate on files and Collections

  • Immediate downloads:

    Downloads trigger immediately with no lag time

  • No size limits:

    Download files and Collections with no download size limits

  • Custom download sizes:

    Create unlimited download sizes to automatically re-size or crop your images


  • Internal & external sharing:

    Create share links to files and Collections

  • Updatable links:

    Create links to Collections that automatically update when files are added

  • View only:

    Share files and Collections with view-only options

  • Multiple share views:

    Select grid or slideshow views to suit your needs

  • Link restrictions:

    Set link restrictions for viewing by logged-in users only

  • Expiration dates:

    Set expiration dates by day, week, month, or custom lengths

  • Comment:

    Leave user comments for display on each shared page

  • Link tracking:

    Track opens, views, and downloads of all share links

Security, performance, and support

  • Single sign-on:

    Seamlessly authenticate into Stockpress through your company’s SSO service

  • 2-factor authentication:

    Enable 2FA per user or per account

  • Trusted AWS hosting:

    All files hosted on AWS and redundantly stored

  • Download requests:

    Create a question or series of questions before granting workspace users the right to download files or Collections.

  • Advanced permissions controls:

    Customize your users experience by turning on and off capabilities with simple toggles

  • Custom user roles and teams:

    Create advanced restrictions by limiting permissions based on user role or team.

  • Reliability at scale:

    No matter how many files you have, or the size of your organization – Stockpress scales to suit your use case

  • Onboarding support:

    Personalized onboarding and tailored training available for ALL paid account tiers

  • Online chat support:

    Chat support, when you need it, right from your workspace!

Admin features

  • Configurable workspace:

    Turn on and off your workspace features based on need

  • Branded workspace:

    Customize your workspace logo and colors with all paid account tiers.

  • Collaboration control:

    Turn on and off commenting and favoriting – or enable for admins only

  • Unlimited users:

    No restrictions on the number of workspace users – for ALL tiers, even free!

  • Unlimited custom roles:

    Add unlimited custom roles and manage access to features such as archive, settings, and capabilities

  • Unlimited teams:

    Create unlimited teams to easily collaborate with multiple users at once

  • Watermarks:

    Optionally add watermarks to files for specific user roles or share links

  • Custom categories:

    Create unlimited custom categories for workspace-specific file tagging

  • Custom file statuses:

    Create workflows with customizable file statuses for files

  • Custom file sizes:

    Create unlimited file sizes to automatically resize and/or crop downloads

  • Custom pages:

    Create custom pages for brand guides, event recaps, projects, and more

  • File filters:

    Show or hide filters based on need

  • Track usage:

    Run reports on file usage by user, team, date, and more

  • File History:

    Track the history of every file – from the moment it’s uploaded – including downloads, collaborators, shares, edits, and more

  • Share track/opens:

    Track the view and download history on all share links

  • Map metadata:

    Import a tagging structure to a custom category and restrict mapped tags

  • Export metadata:

    Export the metadata structure of your entire workspace to a CSV, by date

  • Account switcher:

    Seamlessly switch between Stockpress workspaces you are a part of

Get started with Stockpress for FREE!

Start spending less time looking for your files and more time using them.

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