Stockpress was built by agency people, for agency people, so we’d like to think we know a thing or two about the agency-client relationship!

For us, the general principles that help to make a great agency-client relationship include:

  • clear and regular communication,
  • understanding your clients’ goals and needs,
  • respecting your clients’ time,
  • being honest, realistic, and transparent,
  • managing client expectations, and
  • showing them that you care about their success!

Even with all of the above, what else can you do to not only make your clients happy but help your agency save time and money?

It might sound too good to be true, but making a simple change to the way you manage, share and collaborate on files can make all the difference in improving your operational efficiency and keeping your clients for longer!

Here are 5 simple ways that great file management software can improve your agency-client relationship:

Folder structure chaos!

1. Quicker client onboarding:

Before Stockpress:

Best case scenario: A client would create a folder and add their brand assets and files, often duplicated from their original folders, to be shared with an agency. The agency would then receive the files (providing they had the right account and enough storage space themselves), download them, and put them into their own file management system.

Worst case scenario: The client sends the assets as attachments in an email! Need we say more?!

After Stockpress:

Clients are added to your agency workspace and assigned a role that determines what they can do in your workspace (example: upload, download, share) and what they can and can’t see (example: your private files!). With unlimited user licenses, anyone can be added to your agency workspace.

Once clients are added and organized in your workspace, you can create Collections for them so that files can be uploaded right where you need them and you can get to work quicker!

Clients can be organized into teams so you can update everyone at once when new files and Collections are created for them.

2. Better collaboration:

Before Stockpress:

Scenario: You would share files with clients by email or a file-sharing platform. Clients would then have to download the files and review them separately.

After Stockpress:

With everyone in the same workspace, you can all comment and favorite files to speed up collaboration and productivity.
New versions of files can be uploaded to replace previous ones to keep all changes and iterations in one place. The previous files can be opened and restored at any time, but only the latest version will be searchable, making it easier to know which file is the most up-to-date!

3. An enhanced client experience:

Before Stockpress:

Files would be sent over in a million and one ways and become buried in email threads, Slack Channels, and task management tools.

This can lead to frustration and frustration can lead to inpatient and unhappy clients.

After Stockpress:

A custom branded centralized platform that makes your agency look great and inspires confidence from your clients. A well-presented agency and organized client file management = happy clients!

Gary working from the beach

4. Reduced client management costs:

Before Stockpress:

Unless your clients are extremely organized you would likely hear this regularly; “I know it’s the weekend, but I need a hi-res version of our logo and I can’t find it! Would you be able to send it over to me quickly?”

This simple request could mean dropping what you are doing, finding the file they need, and sending it over to them. And guess what? When you do, they might just need something else and before you know it you’ve been working for a few hours!

After Stockpress:

As a user in your workspace, clients can access all the files they need at any time, anywhere – so they don’t have to ask you for them! Now go enjoy your Sunday margarita!

File management to help teams

5. Greater client retention

Before Stockpress:

Files would live in many different places and more than likely, the final files being used by the clients would exist outside of your agency’s reach!

After Stockpress:

Having your clients in your branded workspace makes your agency more present as a day-to-day part of the experience – even when you aren’t speaking with them! With more branded touchpoints, your clients can feel like they are embedded in your team – and when they feel like this, they tend to stick around longer!

With all this said, your clients might want their own Stockpress workspace one day
and that’s great! They can add you to their workspace as well allowing you to switch from your own workspace to theirs, at any time! Your agency has helped provide the best file management tools and therefore improved that client relationship.


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